Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spring 2012

Alot has happened since my last post.  I'm back in school and after this semester I'll be half-way to getting my Photography Certificate :)  .  Also I'm now a student member of Professional Photographers of Orange County or PPOC for short.  The link for PPOC is

I'm in two photography classes this semester, as well as, one art class.  Intro to photoshop.  My company that I founded Backup Productions  The reunion company Pride Reunions in addition to Pride Pac and Pride Portrait Co.  All four companies are now under a single "head" name Pride Portrait Co.

I'll be posting links for all the facebook accounts, pages, blogs, youtube account and the new website(s)/pages in as little as two weeks.

Thanks to all those who are following my blogs and have supported me.

May GOD Bless all of you.

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