Friday, June 3, 2011

An Update....

Just wanted to post a little note:
I'm currently on my summer break from school.....  However, I will be posting more photo's , and some video, starting the middle to end of next week.  So sometime between June 8th and June 12th.  I'm in the process of editing some pictures that I took during the semester.  Also I'll be posting my "self-portrait" that I did using Illustrator; you all can get a good laugh.  This summer I plan on doing two series one of the Long Beach, CA scene and another that will showcase the LGBT community and the positive impact they have on society.  I'll also lay the ground work for not only a web gallery but also a series of the Churches here in California and the differences and the similarities between them.
Once again thank-you for all of those who are following my blog.  It warms my heart and soul that people do appreciate the time and effort that I put in to it.

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