Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ambient or Natural Light.

The above pictures are two examples of Ambient or Natural Light Photos.  Please rate them and tell how they look.  Also please give constructive feedback only.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to School

Just started back toward my Photography Certificate.  Currently taking Photo 292 (Portrait Photography), as well as, a InDesign class that focuses on Desktop Publishing.

As I complete the projects I'll be posting them.  In the meantime I might be posting/re-posting some of my favorite shots from earlier this year. 

REMEMBER ALL PHOTOS that are posted (unless otherwise mentioned) are copy written.

They are however available for download or for purchase.

Friday, June 3, 2011

An Update....

Just wanted to post a little note:
I'm currently on my summer break from school.....  However, I will be posting more photo's , and some video, starting the middle to end of next week.  So sometime between June 8th and June 12th.  I'm in the process of editing some pictures that I took during the semester.  Also I'll be posting my "self-portrait" that I did using Illustrator; you all can get a good laugh.  This summer I plan on doing two series one of the Long Beach, CA scene and another that will showcase the LGBT community and the positive impact they have on society.  I'll also lay the ground work for not only a web gallery but also a series of the Churches here in California and the differences and the similarities between them.
Once again thank-you for all of those who are following my blog.  It warms my heart and soul that people do appreciate the time and effort that I put in to it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Narrative Photo Story

The following is a video photo narrative that I did for my final project in my photo 190 class at Santa Ana College.  The song is "Golden Ring" by Tammy Wynette and George Jones....All rights to the song are reserved to them.  The clip is only about 30 seconds long.  The photo's are from my own collection and are protected by copyright laws.

Hope you enjoy.  Please leave feedback.  Thank-you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Photo 190 Project 3 Truth vs. Fiction

A project I did for my photography class where we had to emmulate the style, subject matter or both of another artist.  Or we could of choosen to do a "Truth vs. Fiction"  so I decided to do both.  The artist I chose was Alexander Rodchenko.  Please feel free to leave comments.

Sexual Offender Protest

These are pictures taken of a protest outside of the Santora Arts Building on the Santa Ana Art Walk.  The protest was being held, due to my information, because one of the tenants of the building assaulted a young woman.  Santora Arts Building is at 207 North Broadway, Santa Ana, CA.
Please do not shoot the messenger.

As you can see there are ALOT of angry people out in front of Santora Building.....  My only wish on this blog post is that it brings awareness to sexual assult against every person of society.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Project 2 -- Photo 190

These are the pictures I submitted on a photo project for my photography 190 class.  The purpose of the assignment was "Faceless Portraits".  And you can tell photoshop was used heavily.  Hope you enjoy them.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rembrandt Photo Example

The following picture is a example of a Rembrandt style photo.
Please note the distinctive triangle next to the nose.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Links

I've had a few people ask me how they can get in touch with me...

 Well...The following are some of my links if you would like to follow me on my different network sites.
Facebook (both personal and professional)


Direct email

Messengers (only)
Yahoo edkofc4

As these change and I get more and the list is refined I'll repost this with updates

Thank-you for following
Ed Dansby

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Project

Thank-you to all who are following my photo blog. and to those of you on facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc.., what are you waiting for.  Sorry that there have not been any new posts in the past couple days.  I'm working on a new photo project, which I will post after April 2nd.  Until then I'll be putting up some basic photoshop projects I did in my Intro To Digital Media Class at Santa Ana College.
Once again thank-you and GOD Bless.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Lady

I did this in photoshop last night after seeing a wonderful sunset.  This picture is free to download, all I ask, is that you leave a comment and give me the credit when using this picture.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let's Play the Feud

I would like to thank the following people for their help in this photo.
From Family Feud and Fremantle Media:
Sara Dansby (Casting Producer -- Family Feud)
Carlos Martir (Contestant Coordinator -- Family Feud)
and Erica Olsen from (CBS and KCAL 9).
Also I would like to also thank all the crew and staff from CBS, KCAL, Fremantle Media, and Family Feud in helping to make this picture possible.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Family Feud Casting Call Shots

This is just two of the over 100 families and 10 of the over 600 people who showed up to "play" Family Feud during the auditions at Casino Morongo.

Remember if you would like your shot to play Family Feud please follow this link

Family Feud Contestant Info

Friday, March 11, 2011

Family Feud Casting Call Shots

Just finished "shooting it up" at Casino Morango with the crew of Family Feud.  Will be posting various shots (some in pre-edit and some in post-edit mode) of the next few days and weeks.  Come follow my photo blog for all the latest photos as I focus in on both my photoshop and shooting skills.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Location Shots

On location at Casino Morongo with Family Feud....Will be posting shots of the auditions (with the permission of Family Feud and CBS)  Will also be posting the landscape shots I take of the surrounding mountains.  Pictures will ONLY be available on my blog and are copy-written by myself and any other respective parties...YES they will have watermarks on them!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Went out and tested if I was faster than a baseball on my shutter....It's not great but looks like I am.  REMEMBER....ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK YOUR WHITE BALANCE SETTINGS!